
Married to:

manSagar Talati‏, son of Behram Talati and Malahi‏.
Died ‎20 Jan 1673
Sagar was a prominent citizen of Navasri and interacted with the Mughal court. His name is recorded in the (?) offices of Surat.


man‎Dhunji Mehta‏‎

manBaam Mehta‏
Died ‎18 Dec 1681

manBhaiji Mehta‏
Died ‎15 May 1724
Like his younger brother Ramji, Bhaiji too was a prominent citizen of Navsari and involved in settling the despute between Bhagaria and Sanjania priests after riots broke out in the 17th Century.

Bhaiji was adopted by his elder brother, Baam.

manRamji Mehta‏
Died ‎5 Feb 1736
Ramji Sagar was an important person in Navsari and was given a lot of respect by the Nawabs of Surat. He was probably the first person to adopt the surname Mehta; before that, the family had been known as Talati.

Parsi Prakash (Vol-1 Pg-23) writes that Ramji Sagar was a contemporory of Meherwanji Darabji Dordi who died in 1742. The latter was a 7th generation ancestor to Dr. Jehangir Beramji Dordi (FRCS)

Ramji Sagar and his brother Bhaiji Sagar were involved in brokering a peace between the Bhagarias and the Sanjanias, after riots broke out in Navsari in the 17th Century.

Ramji was adopted by his paternal uncle, Kavas.