man‎Burjorji Patell‏‎, son of Framji Patell and N.N.‏.

Married to:

Burjorji bapava, as he was known in the family was an eccentric. From what we hear, he was a self-taught engineer who built railway bridges for the British Raj. Apparently, for one particular bridge, the government clerks refused to pay his dues unless he gave a kickback. This infuriated him, and he gave them a deadline to pay up, failing which he would blow the bridge up. They still didn't pay, so he did, indeed, blow up that bridge.

This incident is supposed to have made him extremely anti-Brit. Now, after his first wife had died, he'd married again. So far so good. However, the Brits were now thinking of bringing in a law against polygamy. Burjorji, just to spite them, made sure he married another woman just before the law came into force.
